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ReadtopiaGO Team

Karen Erickson Ph.D

Karen Erickson is Director of the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. She is focused on understanding the best ways to assess and teach reading and writing to children with the most severe disabilities.

Maureen Donnelly M.Ed

Maureen Donnelly is a Curriculum Development Manager at Building Wings. Maureen is an early childhood educator and a former student of Dr. Erickson and has contributed to the development of numerous curriculum products and authored hundreds of texts that are geared toward the literacy development of beginning readers and writers.

Allison Dennis, Ph.D

Allison Dennis is a Curriculum Development Manager at Building Wings. Allison is a former high school teacher who received her doctorate from the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. Allison is an author, a product developer, and leader in the field of literacy and disability.

Jen Vaid, PGCE

Jen Vaid is a Project Leader at Building Wings. She has a background in linguistics, work flow, and education. As a former elementary school teacher, Jen contributes to both the logistical and creative aspects of product development.

Don Johnston, M.S.

Don Johnston is the C.E.O and the visionary behind both Readtopia and ReadtopiaGO. Throughout his career, Don has created and disseminated a range of education technology tools and products that support the needs of students who face learning challenges. Don continues to inspire the Building Wings team today.

Trish Johnson, B.S.

Trish Johnson is the president of Building Wings. She is a passionate advocate in the fields of special education and assistive technology. She is dedicated to ensuring that all learners have access to high-quality curriculum and that their teachers have the tools they need to implement it.

Additional thanks to

the following contributors: Spencer Cohen, Srdjan Vasilic, Mike Byrne, Stephie Bright, Leslie Boyd, Melissa Abraham, Mary Krenz, Jennifer Long, Patricia Cunningham, Ph.D, Caroline Musselwhite Ed.D, CCC-SLP, Gretchen Hanser, Ph.D,

and most significantly:

the kids, their teachers, and school leaders who give us feedback. You are our teachers.